When preparing a home for sale, owners are encouraged to present their home to market in the most ideal condition. Even in this crazy seller’s market, homes that are in good condition sell faster and for more money than those that aren’t.

With that… wouldn’t it make sense for the owner to get their home inspected prior to listing so they can be prepared for any potential buyer concerns?

Some professionals say “yes”, but I say “no”.

There are two compelling reasons why I believe a homeowner should NOT obtain a pre-listing inspection: 1) the inspection must be disclosed to future buyers and
2) the buyer will get their own inspection anyway. Not only does a pre-listing inspection not help a seller, it could potentially hinder a deal.

What should a homeowner do instead? Address all known “deferred maintenance” and have your HVAC units cleaned and serviced prior to listing.

If you have any questions about preparing your home for sale in this market, please reach out to me via phone or email. I’d love to help in any way I can!